Management Consulting

If you're here to review and revamp your business performance, inspire your team, learn best commercial practice to maximise your bottom line and build new revenue streams then, Welcome, because that's exactly what HardCorp offers its clientele.

In these uncertain times clients are asking 'what are the systems, knowledge and skill-sets we need to adopt so that they can transition from surviving to thriving.' Change is a fundamental and common element to every business environment and this will continue to impact on both Australian and Global economies for the foreseeable future, thanks to Covid 19. Very few businesses proactively plan and/or respond to the opportunities that change create.

A business’s ability to manage and implement change effectively is critically important, now more so than ever. To remain competitive and sustain a vibrant business operation, quick action is required to maintain long term financial viability. Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to thrive despite economic uncertainty, while many of their competitors struggle for survival? Change can be uncertain and breeds insecurity. Organisations who embrace change when economies struggle and buying behaviors shift, ultimately have the power and influence over their own destiny.

In every adversity lies the seed of equivalent benefit opportunity. HardyCorp's management consultants are superbly qualified specialists who do comprehensive SWOT and Risk Management Analysis prior to undertaking a full financial diagnosis of the business, which identifies potential savings in interest, debt period, cashflow and tax. Business planning and coaching then allows clients to make informed financial, legal and commercial decisions which quarantines risk and helps drives change, empowering the business to operate much more efficiently across all it's operational facets.

Are your competitors talking about you in their boardrooms? If not, it's time to review your strategy. We offer more creative solutions that combine our deep demographic experience, intimate industry knowledge and provide clear insights to help accelerate your business success
Projects When you need to understand a very specialised market, people with first-hand experience provide the most powerful insights. HardyCorp's hand picked consultants ensure client satisfaction through long-term relationships, providing clients with specialist expertise across all relevant industry disciplines; resulting in more in-depth engagement and concise delivery of subject-matter.
We define our success by your results. We care deeply about our clients and enjoy working with them. We have fun with implementing creative strategies and watching our clients grow and succeed as a direct result of significantly improved business performance.

Our strategy consulting expertise includes:

Fundamentals of growth
Only 1 in 9 companies succeeds in achieving sustained growth. We help companies grow by defining and focusing on their core.

Business unit strategy
Effective strategy for business units requires making proprietary decisions about where to play and how to win. The goal is to enable a business to reach its full economic potential.

Corporate strategy
Corporate strategy involves a proprietary set of actions that enables a company to be worth more than just the sum of its parts. The most critical role of the management consultant is to help develop staff to achieve leadership positions and business units .

Founder’s Mentality
To win in the long term, most companies need the cost advantages and scale of global incumbents. Yet, in achieving that scale, companies often lose what we call the Founder’s Mentality—the very core strengths and values that helped them succeed.

We help companies develop digital strategies that deliver on core strategy, delight customers and enable them to operate smarter and faster. Our B2B Digital Strategy products blendsa practical set of near-term, high-impact initiatives with a bold vision for how the pace of digital innovation is likely to reshape the industry over time.

Hardy Corp Innovation
We work with clients to transform innovation for new product development and make big ideas actionable by combining creative strategy and analytic approaches.

Emerging markets
Home to most of the world’s population and recording double-digit growth, emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe are must-win areas for multinational companies. We help companies navigate this unfamiliar terrain and successfully compete against indigenous companies and other multinationals.

Hardy Corp helps companies develop renewable energy policies, realize the full potential of recycling processes and identify the impact of new trends and regulations, among other things.

Organisation Barriers

Some organizations work. They accomplish what they set out to do and their employees are engaged and happy with their jobs. Yet research indicates that only 20 percent of companies achieve that desired position. Hardy Corp helps clients improve financial performance and make their organisations better workplace experience for their employees by introducing fully integrated systems and ensuring the entire organisational workforce system is aligned to deliver business objectives.
Organization Diagnostic: Organizational Navigator. We have a diagnostic tool to help clients assess and identify how to improve their organizational performance. It helps companies determine where their organization is strong, where it is weak and, most critically, which outcomes matter most for generating superior business performance.

Organisation Barriers
Performance Improvement

Performance Improvement

Whether you need to reduce costs in procurement, SG&A or operations; increase R&D effectiveness; root out complexity—or build your ability to do all of the above, we can help.

We have three cost transformation solutions to meet your unique situation:

Sustained Cost Transformation: Strategically transform your cost structure to gain competitive advantage.

Zero-Based Budgeting: Build a continuous performance management capability to ensure every dollar is working in service of your strategy.

A one-time, blank-sheet simplification of your operating model and core processes that reduces cost and complexity, making your employees lives simpler and their work more effective.